Baby Delivery

At Rosemark, we offer a variety of baby delivery options for our expectant mothers. Our patients are able to choose their preferred provider, the types of delivery they desire and which hospital they would like to have their baby born.

woman holding newborn infant.

Types of Baby Delivery

There are several types of baby delivery that include a variations of vaginal and cesarean (C-section) births. Our obstetricians and certified nurse-midwives work with our patients to identify the best delivery type best suited for their specific situation.

female obgyn doctor

Provider Options

As a Rosemark patient, you may choose from one of our board certified obstetricians or from one of our certified nurse-midwives. In some situations, like high-risk pregnancy, both an obstetrician and certified nurse-midwife may work together.

Obgyn Idaho Falls hospital affiliation.

Hospital Affiliations

Rosemark has privileges to deliver babies in both Idaho Falls hospitals, Mountain View and Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC). Our providers and their patients discuss the patients’ preference of hospital and make arrangements for the birth well in advance of the delivery due date.

woman preparing before going to hospital.

Hospital Checklist

The time to pack for your trip to the hospital to deliver your baby is NOT when you are in labor. Be prepared ahead of time! What do you need to take? Click the link to find out.

couple planning for birth.

Birth Plan

We recommend that every expectant mother prepare a birth plan that will help you prepare for labor and delivery. You will find that as you prepare, you will become more confident as you near labor and delivery.

woman having labor pains.

Signs of Labor

Am I in labor? Do I need to go to the hospital now? These are two common questions that pregnant women ask themselves the closer they get to full term. A conversation with an obstetrician or certified nurse-midwife will provide instructions for labor.