Newly Pregnant
Your Online Pregnancy Kit!

Pregnancy Tests
If you think you may be pregnant, we recommend you take a pregnancy test. You should wait to take a pregnancy test until the week after your missed period for the most accurate result.
We recommend you take an over-the-counter pregnancy test at home first prior to calling our office to schedule your “New OB Visit.”

New OB Handout
Whether it is your first pregnancy or not, you will have a lot of questions. We have answers to questions and guidelines to many of the situations you will encounter during your pregnancy in our New OB Handout.
We want to help make your pregnancy an enjoyable experience.

Choose your Provider
As a Rosemark patient, you may choose from one of our board certified obstetricians or from one of our certified nurse-midwives.
In some situations, like high-risk pregnancy, both an obstetrician and certified nurse-midwife may work together.

1st Appointment – New OB Visit
We will schedule your first appointment after 8 weeks of gestation. The gestation point begins on the first day of your last period.
This gestation calculator will help determine when we will schedule your first appointment, which we call a “New OB Visit.”
Newly Pregnant Assistance
If you are newly pregnant and would like some assistance getting started with a healthcare provider, please call 208.557.2900 or fill out the form below and one of our caring Rosemark nurses will reach out to you.