Vaginal Hysterectomy
Review the following after care instructions for a vaginal hysterectomy.
- Eat a regular high fiber, protein, fruit, and dairy product diet.
- Plan on taking 2-4 weeks off of work. Earlier return might be arranged if necessary.
- No intercourse, douching or tampon use for 4 weeks after surgery or until the final visit with your physician.
- You may drive if needed, use good judgment. Do not drive if you are taking prescription medication.
- Use the stairs only as tolerated – one step at a time.
- Expect a non-odorous discharge or spotting for 3-4 weeks.
- Sutures are internal and will dissolve in 6-8 weeks. You may occasionally notice a suture on your pad or in the toilet – this means that the healing process is taking place.
- You should schedule your follow up office visit 4 weeks from the date of surgery, or sooner if going back to work. Please schedule this follow-up visit prior to your operation.
- Medications might include; estrogen patches or pills and pain medications.
- There are no bathing restrictions.
- No strenuous activity: long walks, exercise, housework, heavy lifting, or pushing, for up to 6 weeks or until the final visit with your physician. No lifting over 20 lbs for 2-3 weeks.
- Use Milk of Magnesia for constipation. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices and use gentle pressure with bowel movements.
- Expect low back pain as well as generalized abdominal pain following your operation.
Notify your physician if you have any of the following:
- Fever of 100.4F or chills
- Heavy vaginal bleeding; heavier than light menstrual period
- Bleeding, drainage or separation at the incision site
- Severe or unusual pain that is not controlled by your pain pills
- Burning, frequency or difficulty urinating
- Pain or swelling in legs
- Foul smelling vaginal discharge